Legal notice: this document was created for informational purposes only. By using it, you accept this notice and note that Webnode is not responsible for any action taken or use based on the content of this website. We strongly recommend that you seek legal advice and adjust this document to meet the needs of your business. 

General rules 1. The personal data controller, in accordance with the RGPD (hereinafter called "Regulation") is [.....], identification number [....], located at [....] ( hereinafter referred to as "Controller"); 2. The Controller's contact details are: e-mail: [......], tel .: [.........]; 3. Personal data refers to any information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person.

The source of personal data 1. The controller processes the personal data obtained with the Client's consent and is collected through the purchase order and the fulfillment of the order created in the online store. [...] .; 2. The controller processes only the Client's identification and contact data that are necessary for the fulfillment of the purchase contract; 3. The controller processes the personal data for the purposes of sending the order and accounting, and for the necessary communication between the contracting parties for the time stipulated by law. Personal data will not be made public and will not be transferred to other countries. 

Purpose of data processing

The controller processes the Client's personal data for the following purposes:

1. Registration on the website [...] in accordance with Chapter 4, Section 2 of the RGPD;

2. For the fulfillment of the online order created by the Client (name, address, email, telephone number);

3. To observe the law and regulations that arise from the contractual relationship between the Client and the Controller;

4. Personal data is necessary for the fulfillment of the purchase contract. The contract cannot be concluded without personal data.

Duration of the storage of personal data 1. The controller stores personal data during the period necessary for the fulfillment of the rights and obligations derived from the contractual relationship between the controller and the client and during the 3 years following the conclusion of the contractual relationship; 

Recipients and processors of personal data

The third parties that process the Client's personal data are subcontractors of the Controller. The services of these subcontractors are essential for the successful fulfillment of the purchase contract and the processing of the online order between the Controller and the Client.

Customer rights In accordance with the Regulations, the Client has the right to: 1. the right of access to personal data; 2. the right to rectify personal data; 3. the right to delete personal data; 4. the right to object to the processing of personal data; 5. the right to data portability; 6. the right to withdraw consent for the processing of personal data in writing or by email sent to: [....]; 7. the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority in case of suspected non-compliance with the Regulations.

Personal data security 1. The controller declares to take all necessary technical and organizational precautions for the protection of personal data; 2. The controller has taken technical precautions to protect the spaces where the data is stored, in particular to ensure access to the computer with a password, the use of antivirus software and the regular maintenance of computers. 

Final provisions 1. By placing an electronic order on the website [....] The client confirms that he is informed of all the conditions for the protection of personal data and accepts them in their entirety; 2. The client accepts these rules by marking the check box on the order purchase form; 3. The controller may update these Rules at any time. The new updated version should be published on its website. These Rules will take effect on [date]

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